My parents were in town a few weeks ago, so I naturally felt obligated to comprise an agenda that would fill every minute of their vacation with the best of Phoenix. Hiking Camel Back was adventure number one, and it was a fail. I think the rest of the trip unfortunately followed suit.
The parking lot leading to Camel Back is a disaster. The trail head is located on the Scottsdale side of the hill. For those of you who aren't familiar with Scottsdale, think: winter homes for the disgustingly rich and famous. As a result, property in Scottsdale is hugely expensive and the parking lot reflects that--it's tiny. We had to wait in a long line with at least a dozen other cars just to get a spot in the lot. As one lone hiker would leave, the next fortunate car would pull in, and so on. However, only about one out of every 4 hikers was actually parked in the lot and not a mile down the road, so it was slow moving.
After patiently waiting, we finally claimed a spot in the lot, and got to hiking. A third of the way up, we lost Dad. We waited a while, and came back down to find him looking green. Actually grey. Either way--he looked terrible. He had been sick. My sympathies go out to those passing by. Think a narrow trail with a lot of traffic. Anyhow, that ended our first attempt at dominating the mountain, so on Wednesday Chris and I decided to give it another go.
Because this week was Spring Break, the parking lot situation was a whole lot worse. Instead of trying to compete for a spot in the lot, Chris and I ended up parking at the end of a very long line of cars in a residential area a mile from the trail head. By the time we got to the base of the mountain, I was already hot and tired, but we pressed on, and Camel Back proved to be a BEAST, but as is the case with almost anything hard in life--it was worth it in the end. The view from the top was fantastic. You could see the great expanse of Phoenix from all directions.
I somehow survived the decent (with a lot of help from my hands), but forgot that our car was parked a mile uphill. Sunburnt and dehydrated, Chris and I made it to our truck which had no working ac at the time, and that's when the Curse of Camel Back set in. As we were driving home, I began to feel terrible.
Chris pulled over in front of a Jiffy Lube that must have been hit especially hard by the economic downturn, because every employee seemed to be hanging outside the garage--and that is where I lost my Cheeri-o's--all over the side of my truck and in front of their business. It was beyond embarrassing and the fact that they were making sound affects didn't help. I turned my head inside of the cab to tell Chris to keep driving so I could have more privacy. This was a bad move I my part since I wasn't done. The rest of the show ended up on my shirt in a trail down the remainder of the block. On the bright side, the Jiffy Lube guys gave me a standing ovation after we flipped the car around to get back on the main road. I should have asked them to wash my truck in exchange for the entertainment.

A view Camel Back from our unfortunate parking spot.

A third of the way up (pre Cheeri-o expulsion).

The view from the top was a 360 degree of Phoenix stretching as far as the eye could see in any direction.

One of the finest golf courses in the world. Drumroll.... Scottsdale.