Chris recently got accepted to Asia's coveted Taida (National Taiwan University) this upcoming semester.
A little background for those of you who don't know Chris: he served his mission in Taiwan and has been studying Chinese and Communications at ASU. He joined Flagship, a government program designed for students who wish to excel in foreign languages the government considers valuable. The program works through various universities to provide these students the opportunity to study their second language in a completely submerged environment.
We will be leaving for Taiwan June 2nd and will come back home mid-August. After arriving home, Chris will only have a day or two to unpack and shake off the jet lag before he picks up classes back at ASU for fall semester.
To share more exciting news, in the fall of 2012 we will be studying abroad in China! Gulp.
This is the big whopper--nine months overseas. Chris will complete his education at the prestigious Nanjing University (a couple of hours West of Shanghai) and will then complete an internship in China (destination to be announced--we could go anywhere in the country).
Although my knowledge of the language is limited to feng shui, chow mein, and "I am his wife" I'm hoping that Taiwan will ease me into the Chinese culture (if that's possible). It is supposed to be far more westernized than China, and our first visit will be much shorter than the second.
Fortunately one of Chris' mission friends, Brittan, is also in the program and he and his wife Heather will be making both treks with us. It's really good to know I won't be the only clueless, shocked, disoriented, non-Chinese speaker wondering why the heck I boarded the plane. I will have an equally clueless, shocked and disoriented friend to bop around with. The blind leading the blind. It's a great plan.
Since Heather and I will essentially be on a two month all-inclusive vacation while our husbands are in school, we'll probably do some sightseeing, take a Chinese class, eat some really gross food, and get lost. A lot. I'm sure it will be very fun--especially since we won't have working cell phones. Mom. Dad. If a fleet of ninjas kidnap me, just know that I love you.
I have work to do! Passports to organize, visas to obtain, and a whole lot of packing.
Who better to adventure with?