The Craze

Big Beautiful Wyoming

There is nothing quite like taking a bus-sized, propeller-generated airplane into Cody, Wyoming. The flight is undoubtedly bumpy, the overhead "bins" are barely large enough to fit a briefcase, and you're bound to end up sitting next to someone who you don't want to smell for two hours. And when you arrive in Cody, you are greeted by a cold, dry wind and yellowed dead grass--but what a sight for sore eyes!

Happy Boo Day

Hi Ho Camping-O!

Creepy and Crawly
There are too many creepy crawly things have been an active part of my life lately. A few weeks ago, the big tree in our side yard fell on our garage. Cause of death--the center of the tree's trunk had been eaten out by cockroaches and bees who made a home in it. Now there are hundreds of homeless bees and roaches in my yard. Excellent.
The day after their tree fell the roaches decided to move into our place. Fortunately, they have yet to succeed (to the best of my knowledge). The brave ones enjoyed sneakily lurking by the front door in an attempt to dart in as we came out. Chris made an example of these daredevil trespassers and left their squashed remains on the front porch for their roachy friends to see. The colony got the idea (assuming they are more intelligent than they deserve credit for) and have instead decided to burrow in the crack between our front door and the foundation of our house. Lovely. Not what we hoped for, but better than the alternative.
The creepy crawly continued when Chris and I offered to tend our cousins this weekend. They have a gorgeous home surrounded by more foliage and flowers then you will find in all of Arizona combined. This garden is a refuge for butterflies, bumble bees, lady bugs... and other things.
In Wyoming it's common practice to spotlight deer for a thrill. Here people spot light (or more accurately, "black light") scorpions. Anyhow, during our babysitting adventures, Chris thought it would be a good idea to take the kids black lighting before bed, and it was the coolest/creepiest thing. The cool part was the way the scorpion's skeletal bodies would glow eery green in the purple light right before we would---STOMP. The creepy part was how MANY there were and how easy they were to find. The scorpions would be lurking in the most common places--next to the front door, under a pot, on the sidewalk...
These suckers were huge! As Chris and I took turns poking them with a stick, and you could feel the power of their armored bodies lashing their tail meanly back.
After stomping on a few scorpions and feeling like we had done the world a favor in doing so, we came inside feeling safe and separate from the threat they posed. However, it wasn't long before Hanna, one of our cousins, calmly said, "Chris, there is a scorpion on the wall." Gulp. The black lighting was a little premature for me--I would rather be living in ignorance.
Annoying Boy + Annoyed Girl = Love?

One year ago today, Chris and I went on our very first date together. A lot has happened since then!
I remember last October well. I had been dating someone else for about 5 months. It was long distance, so we did our best to stay in touch and see one another when we could.
Then there was Chris—we had met in church, and, although he was extremely non-committal and in the process of dating every other girl in the ward, he decided to butt in on my long distance relationship and mix things up a bit. I’m glad he did--even though I thought it was terribly rude and cocky at the time.
Since Chris’ apartment building was a stone’s throw away from my own, he would “drop by” more than I thought was appropriate, (considering that I had a boyfriend of course). But Chris’ persistence never fails him. For two weeks straight he would walk into my apartment unannounced, and proceed to pound on my bedroom wall until I came out to see him. How romantic. I can’t imagine why princes in fairy tales never took that approach. I guess it was better than him asking to use my hair as a rope so he could sneak in through my window.
Anyhow, this “annoying guy who kept coming by my apartment” as I often referred to him, had the gall to ask me out mid October! I don’t know what he did to downplay the fact that I had a boyfriend, but I found myself going on this date as a favor for my roommate who was also going, and the rest is history. The annoying boy and I had a fantastic Thursday night date at the Haunted Mill (Idaho’s neatest haunted house). We held hands, we got scared out of our wits, and we got married.
And this photo is what we have to remember it by. Check out the passion. I should have guessed.
Faking Fall
Without a decent “fall indicator” to trigger my memory of this thing called Autumn, I completely forgot that the season existed. I practically ran, cart-first, into a mountain of pumpkins at the supermarket before I realize that October had arrived.
Naturally, I compensated for my heinous ignorance by immediately diving into the mound of pumpkins and surfacing with the perfect pick. One pumpkin lead to another which eventually led to a small fortune spent on Indian corn, squash, and warty gourds.
In an attempt to fake fall, I brought autumn indoors by decorating and am now disregarding the fact that it is gorgeous and sunny in Phoenix. Yesterday I took it a step further. Ignoring the palm trees and 95 degree weather outside, I settled into my favorite new sweater (which is very cute mind you). This led to the conclusion that I probably shouldn’t force ALL aspects of fall or I’m going to be a very hot, uncomfortable person.
Bring on the cacti, heat waves, and monsoon storms that drop trees on my roof. You are my new “fall indicators” and I will be grateful for the warmth that you promise come January.
How warty is your gourdie?
Arizona Adventures
#1 - Chris and I found what has to be one of Phoenix's most rad homes. I was quite thrilled with myself for discovering this modern gem. It's currently on the market, so maybe between now and the time we hit retirement we will have saved up enough money to buy it (assuming it's not going to sell for the next 50 years).
#2 - I have been diligently listening to Dave Ramsey's audio cd's on financial peace. Mind you, there are close to 10 cd's so I want to give myself a bit of public praise... even though I've only made it through the first three. But even after minimal exposure to Dave’s southern drawl and motivating success stories, I’m convinced that through smart saving and hardcore budgeting, I will be able to "build my wealth" in no time at all. (My translation: be in a position to buy the ridiculously expensive home above).
Anyhow, it was while I was immersed in a guilty but oh-so pleasurable shopping trip the most unsuspecting thing happened--I got flashed by a mannequin! I absolutely HAD to take a photo. Isn't the point of dressing a mannequin to persuade shoppers to want to buy the clothing? Big miss.
# 3 - Chris recently buzzed his head in an attempt to look like Justin Timberlake (his idea). Apparently this new look (short hair with something of a beard) made him feel like a hard knock because he has been driving like one. THREE tickets this month. Put your hands together for Arizona's most reckless driver! But in all fairness, two of the three were caught by photo radar.
For those of you who are not familiar with photo radar, take this opportunity to fear it... and vote against it, because it will more than likely be introduced to your state sooner or later. Phoenix is thickly speckled with photo radar cameras at intersections, on the freeways, and on random stretches of road. These cameras have sensors that detect traffic violations and will snap photos of the car and its operator when bad behavior is detected. This is commonly known as getting "flashed". And no, it has nothing to do with the mannequin above. Instead, an unpleasantly bright light flashes with each click of the camera. The photos are then sent to the violators with a fat ticket attached.
(The dreaded photo radar camera)
Chris has been the latest "flash victim" and at the rate he's going I'll be able to compile a scrapbook in a week or two. Because he drives my truck which is still registered in Wyoming under my parent's address, they have been the first to call us with the exciting news that we have mail.
After laying our options on the table we realized that we could do one of two things: come clean--just pay the tickets, and expect a fourth ticket for not having registered my truck in Arizona (I don't want to give up my WY plates) and probably die of starvation because we spent our food money on tickets. Or, the alternative--do research and find loopholes in the photo radar system. I chose the latter and this is what I found:
Arizona law states that all complaints and traffic tickets must be personally served before sanctions can be enforced. However, the state, in an attempt to bypass the law, has set up photo radar cameras and simply mails the ticket with a number of other threats (suspension of license, summons, court appearances, etc.) to the violator. Out of fear and ignorance, most people will mail back the required paperwork and pay the fine while naively waiving the states legal requirement to serve them.
However, those who study up on this subject quickly realize that they are under no legal obligation to pay the fines until the ticket has been personally served by a police officer. But because most cops don't have time to run around the city knocking on peoples doors, the charges are dropped after 120 days.
Is it legal? From what I understand (don't hold me to this in court). Is it ethical? That's subjective.
#4 – Chris and I temporarily adopted a stray dog that our next door neighbors rescued. It’s actually a rather uneventful story considering that we didn’t technically “find” the dog and only had her for a few hours, but she was beyond cute, and that’s enough for her to get mentioned.
In short: I kept hearing a dog barking during the night and swore it sounded like it was coming from our back yard. Low and behold—there was a dog in our back yard. Turns out that our neighbors found her on the street and brought her home with the intention to take her to the pound. After Chris and I spoke with them and explained that we were willing to take care of her and find her a home, they passed her off.
She was a miniature pinscher—basically a dwarf version of a doberman, and lucky for her, her stinking cute looks got her in the house. I have never known dogs to be cuddly, but this one was very much so--and sweet. She would jump on my lap, nuzzle her head under my arm, and fall sound asleep. With our hearts melting, Chris and I made her a little nest in our room and put her to bed. Just when we were feeling like the best doggie parents in the world, we realized that we weren't cut out for the job.
Our dog HAD to be held at all times or she would start whimpering and whining. I wasn’t about to let a stray dog on the bed, but I also wasn’t about to spend the night on the floor with her either, so she cried and cried and cried. After a while, the cuteness wore off and her separation anxiety got to be too much for Chris. He did what he could to pacify her till 4 am (I was dead asleep of course), until he couldn’t take it anymore. He eventually gave up on the nest idea and put her outside.
Well, that dumb little dog thought we were abandoning here like her last owner, so she ran away. I was so sad to wake up without our needy dog, but Chris said that he saw her running around Mesa today with another stray. On the bright side, now she knows where to find a bunch of suckers who will let her in, and make her a nest, and feed her bacon if she ever cares to come back. Come back!
I don't have any cute photos of our dog, but this is also a miniature pinscher. They have the striking looks of a doberman but without the attitude and they are always puppy sized!
Beware: Not Worth Reading
My life couldn’t be any less eventful than it has been the last few weeks. I have been desperate to blog but have had absolutely nothing worth mentioning, so I have given up on waiting for something exciting to come along and have chosen to write about the colorless details of my currently boring life. Fasten your seatbelts folks. These recent events and their highly adventurous nature might just knock you off your seat.
Boring Aspect #1 – My Job
Since Labor Day, work has been lame, lame, lame. I racked up some great sales over the holiday and made an impressive jump on our sales charts, but since then I have had ONE buying customer. Traffic is down horribly and the people that come in are grumpy frumpy! I would be grumpy too if I was considering buying ugly furniture. (Scott, dear boss, please do note that I haven’t revealed where I work and have a mere 5 followers—don’t fire me if you happen to read this.)
Since traffic is so low, it’s not uncommon for me to wait 4 hours for a client to come in. I do what I can to be on top of things. I tidy up my space and write thank you notes to those individuals who do purchase, then call and bug those that don’t. However, that type of follow up work only take so long, so in my spare time I have been reading large quantities of Harry Potter. I think that this will make my goal of finishing all 7 books before November more of a reality. Wahoo. At least if I undershoot my work goal, I will there is hope that I will reach my obsessive Harry Potter goal. I may need to reevaluate my priorities.
Boring Aspect #2 – The Bug
We got another bug. If I have to go through the hassle of killing a bug, I want it to be worthy of noting, but this one really wasn’t. It was a cockroach JUST like the last one. Same story. Same entrance through the bathtub drain… same pathetic death by toilet cleaner. As a matter of fact, it was so similar that it wasn’t even worth taking a picture of. The only notable difference was that this bug had a major bowel problem. He pooped all over our bathtub and then proceeded to leak brown stuff as he was being drowned. Anyhow, I’m just glad that we caught both roaches before they had time to scuttle out of the bathroom and into the kitchen or bedroom. Although finding a cockroach in my bed would make for a more eventful tale, I would rather write boring blog entries than deal with the alternative…
Boring Aspect #3 – The Notes
Chris and I have approximately 140 individuals to kindly thank for their love and support during our marriage. That being said: thank you notes are absolutely engulfing my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love expressing my gratitude but tend to get carried away in the process. This results in too long of notes which slows down my already slow thank you note writing pace. Anyhow, I’m becoming frantic. I'm already three and a half months into my marriage and just dropped off my first wave of letters at the post office today.
I have a number of excuses to explain my procrastination, which, since this is a boring entry anyway, I will expound upon. The trouble began when I decided to customize my own thank you cards. Initially there was a long waiting period between my wedding photos being taken on May 26th and the time that it took for them to arrive at my house a month and a half later. Then there was another waiting period between creating the cards online and their delivery time. THEN the cards got sent back to Tennessee where they were manufactured because the mail man couldn’t find my house (apparently I put the wrong house number down). So when the long awaited cards finally arrived--one hundred forty dollars and three months later, I pulled them out of their box and collapsed on the floor laughing.
Apparently I got a little carried away in the process of photo shopping the image I chose for the cover of the cards. Chris looked like a complete marshmallow. His features were unnaturally femmy and he appeared to have gained a good 15 pounds in the face. I didn’t know that Photoshop could be such a dangerous tool, even when ones intentions are good, but in the process of smoothing Chris’ skin, whitening his teeth, and giving him a computerized tan, he came out looking like a “gay model” as my brother-in-law so kindly put it. We plan on mailing those cards to people who are either blind or don’t know either of us well.
Moral of the story is—I did not intend to procrastinate my thank you letters but due to a series of unfortunate events… I have. If any of you are waiting on a letter from me, your patience would be greatly appreciated. And a word to the wise—just stick with Target for your thank you note needs. It will save you a lot of money and mockery.
I’m getting a stomach ache and a cold and need to go to bed. However, I trust that the above post was an accurate reflection of how non-eventful the non-events in my life have been as of late. Regardless, Chris and I are still enjoying one another’s company more than ever and we still find small ways to laugh when there is really nothing worth laughing over. Immaturity—the key to a successful marriage.
Thank you for reading this. Now go do something productive so I don't feel as if I have made a complete waste of your day.
Bye Bye "Weekend"

As of Late

Home Office