There is nothing quite like taking a bus-sized, propeller-generated airplane into Cody, Wyoming. The flight is undoubtedly bumpy, the overhead "bins" are barely large enough to fit a briefcase, and you're bound to end up sitting next to someone who you don't want to smell for two hours. And when you arrive in Cody, you are greeted by a cold, dry wind and yellowed dead grass--but what a sight for sore eyes!
I flew home for a few days last week (seeing as I don't get holidays off), and spent some time with Mom, Dad, and Lu. I felt a million miles away from my job (a true measure of the successfulness of any vacation), and came home thoroughly refreshed.
While my visit was short and my Wyoming activities were pretty lame by most peoples standards, I thoroughly enjoyed...
Rediscovering the farm's treasures.

Getting in touch with my domestic side.
I made pies with Grandma and fudge with Grandpa (always a must), and received Christmas revelation. My solution to inexpensive Christmas ornaments: paper! The concept originated with origami and morphed into these fun paper balls (more on that to come).

The first snow of the year--backyard sledding included.

It looks like you had a well-deserved break! I love your idea for Chritmas ornaments! I can't wait to hear more about them!